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109 N 7th St.

Leesburg, FL 34748

© 2020 | FQHC Consultants


The Ryan White Program is fantastic for counties, cities, states,  community organizations including FQHCs, and RHCs.  Entities may receive funding directly from the program or through partnerships and may receive only one part or multiple parts.  Confusing?

Each program has some administration challenges and in some cases, administration for one part may preclude services or reimbursement for another part.  Or not.  As this is so confusing, most entities require help setting up, monitoring, and reporting their Ryan White part operations to ensure they remain compliant.  

Part A: Grants to Eligible Metropolitan and Transitional Areas

Part B: Grants to States & Territories

Part C: Early Intervention Services and Capacity Development 

Part D: Services for Women, Infants, Children and Youth

Grantees and sub-grantees must remain compliant across various and sometimes appearing to be conflicting requirements for each of the Ryan White program parts. You will have a site visit from HRSA or potentially the grantee if you are not receiving the funds directly from HRSA.  The first one for new grantees fills CEOs and staff with fear and stress.  It doesn't have to be this way. 

Our team of consultants can take every aspect of the part(s) you participate in and analyze your operation to ensure compliance.  We review policies, procedures, board operations, financial operations, etc. to determine what changes may need to be made in order to make your site visit a success.  We can perform mini-audits to ensure your expenditures and activities, as well as patients, are in compliance.  

Most of this analysis is done remotely to save costs and now during the COVID crisis, our consultants are not authorized to travel.  We have mastered use of several HIPAA complaint communications platforms for near-live experience.  We can use ours or yours.  


We Can customize and provide other services.  Get in touch today!